
The SDK is ready to make API calls as soon as it is instantiated. It will automatically use the Sharetribe Authentication API to obtain access and refresh tokens.

Revoke refresh token

integrationSdk.revoke() : Promise

Revokes the current refresh token and returns a Promise.

The SDK automatically obtains access and refresh tokens from the Sharetribe Authentication API. It uses the configured token store to hold the tokens. If the store is persistent (such as the provided fileStore), the long-lived refresh token is left in storage and can be reused in subsequent SDK executions. You can explicitly use the revoke() method to revoke that token and make sure it is no longer usable.

Obtain authentication information

integrationSdk.authInfo() : Promise(Object)

Returns a Promise with an Object as a value. The object may contain a grantType field with either 'client_credentials', 'refresh_token' as a value. The different values have the following meanings:

  • No grant type: the SDK hasn't yet authenticated itself (i.e. hasn't done any requests to the API yet).
  • Grant type 'client_credentials': the SDK has authenticated using the client ID and client secret.
  • Grant type 'refresh_token': the SDK has authenticated using a previously obtained refresh token. It will do so automatically whenever the current access token expires.

Please note: Even thought the authInfo method returns a Promise, the method does not call the API. The authentication information is saved locally in the token store.