
There are a few configuration options that can given to the createInstance method:

const sharetribeIntegrationSdk = require('sharetribe-flex-sdk');

var integrationSdk = sharetribeIntegrationSdk.createInstance({

  // The API Client ID and client secret (mandatory)
  clientId: "<your client ID here>",
  clientSecret: "<your client secret here>",

  // List of custom type handlers
  typeHandlers: [
      sdkType: UUID,
      appType: MyUuidType,

      // Writer fn type signature must be:
      // appType -> sdkType
      // E.g.
      // MyUuidType -> UUID
      writer: v => new UUID(v.myUuid),

      // Reader fn type signature must be:
      // sdkType -> appType
      // E.g.
      // UUID -> MyUuidType
      reader: v => new MyUuidType(v.uuid),

  // HTTP and HTTPS agents to be used when performing
  // http and https request. This allows defining non-default
  // options for agent, such as `{ keepAlive: false }`.
  // When creating custom httpsAgent, set `maxSockets` value to 10 or less.
  httpAgent: httpAgent,
  httpsAgent: httpsAgent,

  // For dev and demo marketplace environments, add query and command rate
  // limiters:
  queryLimiter: sharetribeIntegrationSdk.createRateLimiter(
  commandLimiter: sharetribeIntegrationSdk.createRateLimiter(

  // Token store
  tokenStore: sharetribeIntegrationSdk.tokenStore.memoryStore(),

  // SDK uses Transit format to communicate with the API.
  // If this configuration is `true` a verbose Transit mode is enabled.
  // Useful for development.
  // Default: false
  transitVerbose: false,

  // The API base URL (optional)
  // Defaults to Sharetribe production (
  // Change this if you want to point the SDK to somewhere else (like localhost).
  // Useful mainly for Sharetribe's internal development
  baseUrl: "",

  // Allow use of Client Secret in browser (optional, defaults to false)
  // Sharetribe Integration SDK is meant to be used in a secure context, e.g.
  // in a private Node.js server. Using it in an open website exposes the
  // Client Secret to the public.
  // By default, the SDK will display a warning if Client Secret is used in browser
  // but if you know what you are doing, and you have secured the website properly so
  // that Client Secret is not leaked, you can suppress the warning by setting this
  // to `true`.
  dangerouslyAllowClientSecretInBrowser: false
