Object query parameters

Some endpoints in the Sharetribe Integration API require a specific syntax that allows passing one or more key-value pairs as the value of a single query parameter. The keys and values are colon-separated whereas the pairs are separated by semicolons. For example, when requesting custom image variants:

  id: listingId,
  include: ["images"],
  "fields.image": ["variants.my-variant"],
  "imageVariant.my-variant": "w:640;h:1280;fit:scale"
}).then(res => {
  // res.data contains the response data

To simplify building requests like these, the SDK provides a utility method: sharetribeIntegrationSdk.util.objectQueryString. It serializes an object into the correct string syntax. Using this method, the request above can be written as follows:

const sdkUtil = sharetribeIntegrationSdk.util;

  id: listingId,
  include: ["images"],
  "fields.image": ["variants.my-variant"],
  "imageVariant.my-variant": sdkUtil.objectQueryString({
    w: 640,
    h: 1280,
    fit: 'scale'
}).then(res => {
  // res.data contains the response data