
The SDK provides methods to log the user in and out and determine if the user is already logged in or not.


sdk.login({ username: string, password: string }) : Promise

Logs in the user and returns a Promise.

The session information will be saved to the SDK instance when the Promise is resolved. Subsequent requests will be made as the logged in user.


sdk.logout() : Promise

Logs out the user and returns a Promise.

Trobleshooting: In case you're testing locally from file:///, the session information may not be saved after successful login. In this case, you should configure the SDK to use memory-based token store.

Login As

sdk.loginAs({ code: string, redirect_uri: string, code_verifier: string }) : Promise

Logs in the marketplace operator as the marketplace user and returns a Promise.

The session information will be saved to the SDK instance when the Promise is resolved. Subsequent requests will be made as the logged in user.

Login with IdP

sdk.loginWithIdp({ idpId: string, idpClientId: string, idpToken: string }) : Promise

Logs in the user with information from an identity provider (e.g. Facebook) and returns a Promise. User can be authenticated if the idpToken can be verified and an identity provider account resolved from the token is associated with a Sharetribe account or if an email address resolved from the token matches a verified email of a Sharetribe account.

sdk.loginWithIdp requires that the SDK instance is initialized with a clientSecret attribute.

The session information will be saved to the SDK instance when the Promise is resolved. Subsequent requests will be made as the logged in user.

Determine if user is logged in

sdk.authInfo() : Promise(Object)

Returns a Promise with an Object as a value. The object may contain the following fields:

  • scopes: an array containing the scopes associated with the currently stored token
  • isAnonymous: a boolean denoting if the currently stored token only allows public read access
  • isLoggedInAs: a boolean denoting if the marketplace operator is logged in as a marketplace user

To determine if the user is logged in, check if isAnonymous equals false.


sdk.authInfo().then(authInfo => {
  if (authInfo && authInfo.isAnonymous === false) {
    console.log("User is logged in.");
  } else {
    console.log("User is NOT logged in.")

Please note: Even thought the authInfo method returns a Promise, the method does not call the API. The authentication information is saved locally in the token store.

Please note: The token store does not store any other user information in addition to the authentication token. If you need, for example, to know the name of the logged in user, you need to call, which calls the corresponding API endpoint.

Authentication example

Here's a full example how to log user in and out and determine the current authentication status.


const isLoggedIn = (authInfo) => authInfo && authInfo.isAnonymous === false;

  .then((authInfo) => {
    console.log(`Logged in: ${isLoggedIn(authInfo)}`);
    // prints: "Logged in: false"

    return sdk.login({
      username: "",
      password: "test-secret",
  .then((loginRes) => {
    console.log("Login successful!");

    return sdk.authInfo();
  .then((authInfo) => {
    console.log(`Logged in: ${isLoggedIn(authInfo)}`);
    // prints: "Logged in: true"

  .then((userRes) => {
    const profile =;
    console.log(`Current user: ${profile.firstName} ${profile.lastName}`);

    return sdk.logout();
  .then((logoutRes) => {
    console.log("Logged out!");

    return sdk.authInfo();
  .then((authInfo) => {
    console.log(`Logged in: ${isLoggedIn(authInfo)}`);
    // prints: "Logged in: false"
  .catch((res) => {
    // An error occurred
    console.log(`Request failed with status: ${res.status} ${res.statusText}`);

Exchange token

sdk.exchangeToken() : Promise

A valid access token can be exchanged to a trusted token when combined with a client secret. A trusted token is required by the Sharetribe APIs for certain requests, for example, privileged transitions.

In order to exchange an access token, a valid access token needs to be stored in the SDK's token store. This can be achieved by logging in or by initializing the SDK with a token store that holds an access token.


const sdk = sharetribeSdk.createInstance({
  clientId: "a client ID",
  clientSecret: "a client secret",
  tokenStore: sharetribeSdk.tokenStore.memoryStore(),

sdk.login({ username: "", password: "test-secret" });

sdk.exchangeToken().then((res) => {
  console.log("Trusted token: ",;

Seeing occasional 401 errors?

Are you seeing occasional 401 errors in the browser's Web Console? Don't worry! That's part of the normal operations.

Sharetribe API uses two authentication tokens for each session:

  • Access token that is used to authenticate the user. Valid only a short amount of time.
  • Refresh token that is used to issue a fresh authentication token. Long lived.

When access token expires, you will see a 401 error in browser's Web Console. The SDK will handle this and automatically issue new fresh authentication token and retry the request. This all happens under the hood and you don't need to worry about it. SDK will do the heavy lifting.

See Authentication API reference document for more information.