Your own types

In case you are using your own types or types from external library, the SDK provides a way to convert the SDK types to and from your own types.

The conversion is handled by "type handlers". You need to pass typeHandlers when you create a new SDK instance.

A type handler is an object containing the following properties:

Property Description
sdkType The SDK type.
appType The application specific type to convert SDK type to/from.
canHandle A predicate function (i.e. function that returns truthy or falsy) that defines whether the this handler should be used. The SDK makes sure that canHandle will be called only for not null Object values, thus null check can be safely omitted.
reader Conversion function. Gets an instance of sdkType as an argument, should return instance of appType.
writer Conversion function. Gets an instance of appType as an argument, should return instance of sdkType.

Either appType or canHandle should be provider, but not both.

Please note: v1.4.0 renamed type to sdkType and customType to appType.

Example: Convert google.maps.LatLng to/from LatLng, Decimal.js Decimal to/from BigDecimal and own plain object UUID representation to UUID type class instance.

const { BigDecimal, LatLng } = require('sharetribe-flex-sdk').types;

const sdk = createInstance({
  clientId: config.sdk.clientId,
  baseUrl: config.sdk.baseUrl,
  typeHandlers: [
      sdkType: BigDecimal,
      appType: Decimal,
      writer: v => new BigDecimal(v.toString()),
      reader: v => new Decimal(v.value),
      sdkType: LatLng,
      appType: google.maps.LatLng,
      writer: v => new LatLng(, v.lng()),
      reader: v => new google.maps.LatLng(, v.lng)
      sdkType: UUID,
      canHandle: v => v.isMyOwnUuidType,
      writer: v => new UUID(v.myOwnUuidValue),
      reader: v => ({myOwnUuidValue: v.uuid,
                     isMyOwnUuidType: true})

Caveat: Only body parameters are converted. An error Don't know how to serialize query parameter will be thrown if query parameters contain your own types.