Calling the Marketplace API

API Endpoints

The SDK provides direct mapping from Marketplace API endpoints to SDK methods.

For example:

GET /api/marketplace/show maps to

GET /api/listings/query maps to sdk.listings.query(...)

POST /api/own_listings/create maps to sdk.ownListings.create(...)


You can pass a set of parameters to the SDK method you call. The query endpoints take one parameter, where as the command endpoints take three parameters.

Please note: The SDK does not validate the parameters. The parameter validation is only done in the client side. In case of invalid parameters, the request fill fail.

Query method parameters

The query (GET) methods take only one parameter:

  • queryParams: Object of query parameters


sdk.listings.query({perPage: 5})

// Calls GET /api/listings/query?perPage=5

The queryParams is optional. If the endpoint doesn't require any query parameters, you can call the SDK method without any parameters.

Command method parameters

The command (POST) methods take three parameters:

  • bodyParams: Object of body parameters
  • queryParams: Object of query parameters
  • opts: Additional options


sdk.ownListings.create({title: 'New listings', price: new Money(5000, 'USD')}, {expand: true});

// Calls POST /api/own_listings/create?expand=true
// with title and price serialized in the request body

All parameters are optional. If the endpoint doesn't require any body parameters, query parameters or options, you can call the SDK method without any parameters.

If you wonder what the new Money(...) is, have a look at Types.

Command method options

The third parameter for command methods is opts.

Here's a list of available opts:

  • onUploadProcess: Takes a callback function that is called with ProgressEvent.


const logProgress = (progressEvent) => {
  const percentCompleted = Math.round((progressEvent.loaded * 100) /;
  console.log(percentCompleted + '% completed');

sdk.listings.uploadImage({ image: file }, {}, { onUploadProgress: logProgress })


Calling any SDK method will always return a Promise. The value of the Promise differs whether the request was successful or error. In case of successful request the Promise will be fulfilled where as in case of error the Promise will be rejected.


const promise = sdk.listings.query();

// Handle success response
promise.then(response => { console.log(response)} );

// Handle error response
promise.catch(response => { console.log(response)} );

Success response

A successful response will have the following format:

  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  data: // The data returned by the API. Object.

The API returns the data always in the following format:

  data: // Either an array of resources or just a single resource
  meta: {} // Object containing metadata, such as pagination information
  included: [] // Array of included responses

Example: Response from query that returns multiple listings.

  status: 200,
  statusText: 'OK',
  data: {
    data: [
        id: '5a8d820f-8cb9-4855-96bf-5a6e1db31362',
        type: 'listing',
        attributes: {
          title: '...'
          description: '...',

          // other attributes here ...
        relationships: {
          author: {
            data: {
              id: '...',
              type: 'user'
          images: {
            data: [
                id: '...',
                type: 'image'

              // other listing images here ...
    meta: {
      totalItems: 210,
      totalPages: 210,
      page: 1,
      perPage: 1
    included: [
        id: '...',
        type: 'image',
        attributes: { ... }
        id: '...' ,
        type: 'user',
        attributes: { ... }

      // other included resources here ...

Error response

An error response will have the following format:

  status: <HTTP Status code, 4xx or 5xx>,
  statusText: <HTTP Status text>,
  data: // The data returned by the API, for example:
    errors: [
        status: <HTTP Status code, 4xx or 5xx>,
        code: // error code
        title: <HTTP Status text>,
        details: {
          // Additional details, not part of the public API.

The error value is always an instanceof Error.

Please note that the content of the details is not part of the public API. This means that:

  • You can use details for debugging and error tracking.
  • You SHOULD NOT write production code that depends on the content of details.
  • The content of details is not well specified and will change in the future.

API documentation

Please see the API documentation, for more information about the available endpoints, parameters and the response format.